ThreatSTOP Blog

ThreatSTOP Launches COVID-19 Malicious Domains Target

Written by Ofir Ashman | May 4, 2020


Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, threat actors have been exploiting the panic around the deadly virus to deploy cyber attacks. Every day, more and more Coronavirus-related campaigns are spotted, and we are seeing a surge in the number of suspicious domains registered in relation to the virus every day.

To combat these prevalent attacks, our Security Research Team has curated a blocklist including thousands of malicious Covid19-related domains, integrated from our threat intelligence sources and supplemented with additional IOCs found by our team through manual analysis.

We highly recommend adding the Covid-19 domain target to your policy in order to protect yourself from these threats. You can do so by enabling the COVID19 Fake Domains – Domains target, or by enabling our Phishing bundle.


Due to the impact of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), ThreatSTOP is offering 3 months of MyDNS free, or until the stay at home orders expire. Whichever is longer. With the COVID-19 crisis comes an unprecedented transition to a work from home workforce, and a massive increase in cyber attacks. Because people need to work from home, we want to provide the cyber security protection they should have at work, for free.


Unlike other solutions that send all your data or DNS queries to their Cloud, creating privacy issues and potentially exposing critical company data to hacking and theft through man-in-the-middle attacks, our MyDNS puts a DNS Firewall enabled DNS server onto your device, keeping your traffic under your control and preventing DNS hijacking by enforcing DNSSEC.

Easy and quick to set up, no hardware, no contracts or obligations, and we're here to help.