ThreatSTOP Blog

ThreatSTOP’s Approach To PDNS For Large Corporations

Written by threatstop | October 28, 2022

Large corporations are probably the most vulnerable to hackers and security breaches. Watch the video below as Paul discusses how ThreatSTOP works for large organizations.



With so much personal and customer information at the touch of a button, this information is vulnerable. Having many layers of security does not guarantee protection of your systems. Having the right layers of security guarantees protection of your systems. PDNS for large corporations is pertinent to their financials, reputation, and their legacy of the business.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to stop the threats. Let ThreatSTOP get you layered with the right protection and make sure your DNS is secure!


Learn More:

Case Study for Enterprises and Large Corporations 

What is ThreatSTOP? 

DNS Defense Cloud 


Video Transcript


0:00 Intro
0:06 ThreatSTOP’s PDNS For Large Corporations
1:02 Constant Threat Updates
0:06 ThreatSTOP’s PDNS For Large Corporations

Another way to go is the way ThreatSTOP does it where a ThreatSTOP basically has this big database and we take in threat intelligence from a lot of different sources, Farsight, Department Homeland Security, Falcon, from Crowdstrike. We build that, we have a huge library of this, and then the customer, you as the customer come along and you take a look at our web menu and you say, okay, either give me the best you can with the equipment I have or you can customize it, but in any case, all you have to do is tell us where your servers are, what kind they are, and we customize the feeds and the feeds go out through the bottom of the database via DNS updates. So it's basically the library in the sky. You come in once and put your order on the menu and it's constantly updated after that.

1:02 Constant Threat Updates
So the way this works graphically here is is that the blue arrows are from the ThreatSTOP, you know, database that are coming down being deployed in the DNS servers, firewalls, and routers. You might say well, wait a second, what firewalls and routers have to do with protected DNS? They don't, but we do offer an integration with an IP-based filtering, which gives you the ultimate protection anyway.

So we're deploying it, the traffic's coming in, we've basically told you which of those track what parts of those traffic are red, and you just drop them. You can drop them in the router, you can drop them in the firewall, or in the case of the DNS, you're dropping it by just not downloading it at all.

You might be wondering what's going on in the laptop, in the coffee shop. Well the answer is that we will, you can either have DNS deployed in the cloud there and use our cloud service or you can actually deploy a DNS server in your laptop, which after all, is more powerful than the original root servers of the internet.